
Wide-open listening: Stop focusing on gathering data and let the consumer lead the conversation

Room 1 | 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Wednesday, February 28, 2024

When conducting qual or quant research, the first study questions that are asked can put constraints on what people will share and could even taint the ultimate research findings.

You also want to do more than just “gather data.”

You want to make sure you are truly listening to the people you have included in the research. In addition, a company‘s baseline assumptions about where to start the research discussion, and the order of exploration of areas, may be a mismatch with how consumers self-perceive and interact with the category.

So, if your research starts with the wrong baseline assumptions, then the methodology that is developed could end up guiding consumers down a constrained, company-designed path and not truly creating the opportunity for consumers to share their worldviews and possible new opportunities and insights.

Susan is an award-winning insights guru and strategist who has developed contextual intelligence that can help lead to richer consumer feedback and insights. Examples from a range of categories will be shared.

Key takeaways:

  1. Create qualitative and quantitative research methodologies so you truly listen to the customer’s voice.
  2. Learn why you need to do check-ins on baseline assumptions.
  3. Understand why company segmentations may not align with how people self-perceive.

Consumers Methodologies Presentation by Supplier


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