
Evaluating the performance and future of Emotion AI

Room 2 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Wednesday, February 28, 2024

This future-focused session pressure-tests the transformative power of Emotion AI. Drawing evidence from over a decade of research, Dr. Aaron Reid examines Emotion AI, determining whether the technology is a reliable and accurate predictor of future behavior.

With case study examples we will evaluate the use of combining Emotion AI with cognitive science to provide deeper insight into how marketing influences audiences. From deciphering emotional responses to creative content to demonstrating how consumer emotions can be quantified in real-world situations, this session promises to both educate and inspire.

Attendees will gain invaluable insights into the current state and future potential of Emotion AI in research and marketing. Join us as we explore the fascinating intersection of emotion, technology and marketing and gain knowledge that will shape the future of brand success.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Behavior prediction: learn how Emotion AI is currently being used to gauge real-time audience reactions to creative content and optimize campaigns for maximum impact.
  2. Media ROI: explore real-world examples of how Emotion AI is being used to reduce spend and drive measurable improvements in brand engagement and audience resonance.
  3. Future of insights: discover how Emotion AI can transform the future of human behavioral insight and its implications for marketing.

Methodologies Presentation by Supplier Technology


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