
Susan Fader

Qualitative Research Guru / Business Transformationalist, FaderFocus

Susan has received multiple awards for creating new ways of thinking about, designing and executing research. She guides businesses to be more successful by refocusing how they approach business challenges and think about people. She is a master moderator and interviewer with experience in range of categories and demographics, including pharma/health care, CPG, H&BA, financial, branding, entertainment, toys, electronics, travel and military personnel. She has designed and fielded global qualitative research studies in 30+ countries on five continents.

Sessions from Susan Fader:

Wide-open listening: Stop focusing on gathering data and let the consumer lead the conversation

When conducting qual or quant research, the first study questions that are asked can put constraints on what people will share and could even taint the ultimate research findings. You also [...]


Wednesday | 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Room 1