
Providing ‘meat on the bones’: The value of qualitative research

Room 2 | 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm | Thursday, February 29, 2024

In this presentation, we will share how the KNow Research team empowered Peace by Piece International – a small nonprofit seeking to transform corporate gifting – to make data-driven changes without any previous research experience.

Our team employed a multi-phased, mixed-methodology study incorporating numerous stakeholder perspectives to explore how a values-based approach to corporate gifting makes employees feel and whether it influences employees’ perceptions of their employer. We intentionally sought to capture both sides of the corporate gifting exchange by handing the mic to gift purchasers and recipients. This interplay of perspectives created a compelling narrative that uncovered unexpected insights and sparked organizational change, demonstrating qualitative research’s ability to drive impact even for smaller nonprofits.

Our multifaceted approach uncovered actionable, “meaty” insights that prompted our client to completely reshape their strategy, messaging and web presence.

Key takeaways:

  1. Learn best practices for helping nonprofits, start-ups or brands in a pinch.
  2. Embark on their own qualitative research endeavor.
  3. How to extract hard-hitting insights and guide strategic overhauls all without breaking the bank.

Methodologies Non-Profit Presentation by Supplier


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