
The sky is falling! Why didn’t anyone tell us?

It’s one thing to see future possibilities. It’s quite another to bring them to life and make them actionable in the present. Too often insights into macro trends and the changing landscape fail to land with business leaders who are focused on delivering results today. Trends are seen as interesting but not terribly relevant in the moment. It is hard to get attention, and harder yet to get traction, for something that feels far away.

Insights leaders have an important role to play as soothsayers and strategic consultants who make the future tangible and relevant in the here and now. Connecting future trends to the actions business leaders take in the present enables them to anticipate and shape market shifts for success tomorrow.

With humility and a dose of humor, our presenters will share real-world experiences of how they’ve brought the future to light and enabled their business teams to anticipate and prepare for the future before it took them by surprise.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand why it is important to anchor macro trends and emerging signals to actions in the present.
  2. Learn some creative ways to connect the dots between an uncertain future and the business reality today.
  3. See the valuable role that insights leaders play in creating business impact.


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