
Walmart: Unlocking brand love

Room 3 | 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Tuesday, March 26, 2024

To drive brand love, the BAMM team took a deep dive into Walmart fans’ world. What are the sources of their love and how might Walmart amplify them further?

Brand love is personal yet ephemeral; people really can’t articulate – and often don’t know – why they do what they do. So how do you research the drivers? The solution? Ethnographic deep-dives. BAMM ethnographers and photojournalists teamed up to observe, interview and capture the worlds of first-time homeowners, new parents, Atlanta Braves fans and community soccer coaches to understand why such a diverse group chooses Walmart as one of their all-time favorite brands.

The higher-order values were revealed through personal stories. For example, the day his son was born, Shishank, now a second-time father, rushed into Walmart. He needed it all. He needed it fast: a car seat, diapers, onesies, a crib, pajamas. (Indian traditions dictated that shopping before the birth wasn’t an option for him.) Walmart was the clear pick. He got everything in time for his wife’s return home.

While people tend to volunteer many stories, the “why” is the magic of research. Contextual cues, often hidden in plain sight, reveal true meanings. For example, a picture of a yogi, bracelets on Shishank’s wife Varsha’s wrist prompted a deeper inquiry: What does being a father mean through the lens of Indian culture?

For Shishank and many others, Walmart is a dependable partner that helps them take care of their families, stay organized and add a bit of joy. It’s a real reason for their love, something the creative team can celebrate in their storytelling.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Ethnographic research is the tool to unlock the “why” behind the ephemeral idea of brand love.
  2. To identify the drivers of love, explore the brand role through stories of personal experience.
  3. Uncovering the sources of love (the structure) and illustrating them with the stories of experience provides inspiration for rich and engaging creatives. When people feel understood, their love for the brand grows.

Advertising Case Study Joint Presentation


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