
Proven step-by-step methods to layer cultural context into your research for increased competitive advantage

It has never been more important for brands to view their research through the correct cultural lens. Additionally, the global economic headwinds have created additional pressure on all of us to do more with less.

In this presentation, Jamin Brazil, CRO of Voxpopme, and Kai Fuentes, founder and CEO of Ebony Marketing Systems, will walk through their recent collaboration with BET:

  1. Proven step-by-step methods that anyone can follow to layer cultural context into your research.
  2. The biggest mistakes most quant researchers are making and what you can do about them.
  3. How partnerships like Voxpopme and Ebony Marketing Systems give you and your brand competitive advantage.

Jamin and Kai will share their approach to collaborative market research, using a tried-and-true research methodology, supported with technology to gain a quick and wide-ranging understanding of cultural attitudes and beliefs. Combining AI and real human expertise, Voxpopme and Ebony Marketing Systems can observe and report actionable cultural insights and uncover nuances amongst key demographic and cultural groups that impact how brands and marketers approach different groups.

Learn how to navigate through multicultural and multi-ethnic research so your brand doesn’t go down the mainstream rabbit hole of a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing. Additionally, learn how to leverage new technologies to drive these strategies quickly and efficiently.

Jamin and Kai will take the audience through a recent case study to bring to life the methodology, collaboration and outcome of their old-but-new-school approach.

Key takeaways:

  1. Learn about the proven, step-by-step methods that you can follow to layer cultural context into your research.
  2. Understand the biggest mistakes most quant researchers are making and what you can do to prevent yourself from making them.
  3. See how partnerships like Voxpopme and Ebony Marketing Systems give you and your brand competitive advantage.
