
Daniel Nokes

Managing Director, Crowdtech

Daniel is managing director at Crowdtech. Following his master’s (marketing and the consumer and journalism) he started his professional career at Crowdtech 13 years ago, specializing in insight communities. After five years he moved to a CX agency called The Valley, where he worked for five years as digital director and worked closely with top brands to optimize their customer experience. Then he moved to Ematters, a marketing automation and data agency, in the role of commercial director. In 2023 he decided to return to his old love Crowdtech. He tries to bring his experience in data, tech and marketing together!

Sessions from Daniel Nokes:

Customers want to be heard. Are you listening? Companies like Nespresso, Ahold Delhaize and Coca-Cola already do.

A large part of market research budgets is spent on acquiring respondents and data collection. Are you happy with your data quality? How is the engagement of those respondents? And [...]


Thursday | 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm | Room 1