
Grant Ronan

Solution Strategist, aytm

Grant has worked for 10+ years as a senior researcher in the insights industry at firms including aytm, Morning Consult, Bovitz and Material. As a solutions strategist at aytm, he consults with large-brand clients to scope, plan and design quant research projects from DIY to full-service, empowering him to solve puzzles every day. He specializes in MaxDiff, TURF, conjoint, global trackers and tracker calibration.

Sessions from Grant Ronan:

A leap forward or a societal menace? Tracking changes in American sentiment of AI technologies over time

While AI dominates headlines and boardroom discussions, the real question remains: What do consumers actually think? As conversations around AI reach a crescendo, it’s time to take a step back [...]


Wednesday | 10:30 am - 11:00 am | Room 4