
How to meet the changing needs of a new generation of customers

Room 3 | 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm | Monday, March 27, 2023

Compeer Financial is a Farm Credit cooperative based in the upper Midwest, serving its base of owner-customers in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. Throughout its existence it has enjoyed customer relationships that often passed seamlessly from one generation to another, just as the farming operations it supports went from family member to family member.

Farming, though, isn’t what it used to be. Many farms have become full-fledged family businesses, with more complex needs and multiple stakeholders. Strong relationships, a local presence and familiarity are no longer enough to keep customers through a farm’s generational transitions. Consumers expect to do more online next year than they did this year, and farmers are no exception.

Compeer Financial created a digital vision and principles to shape its strategy. Representatives from Compeer will share how they’ve managed to retain customers even as needs and expectations evolved by delivering an experience worthy of its customers’ loyalty.

Key takeaways:

  1. Compeer Financial has many successful family relationships that go back multiple generations, but no business can take their clients for granted.
  2. With digital momentum on the rise globally, businesses must provide a blend of in-person and online solutions to meet evolving expectations.
  3. Creating a Digital Product Owner community of practice helped the firm shift from offering digital tools to creating exceptional online experiences.

Case Study Financial Services Presentation by End-Client


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