
The future of shopping with Synchrony and Ipsos

What does the future of retail hold and what will shoppers be seeking from brands? Ipsos partnered with Synchrony, the consumer financial services company which issues credit cards for retailers from Google to Walgreens, to envision the future of shopping.

In this session, we’ll distill three big future forces around retail and shopping that every brand must know:

  • Meaningful connection experiences: Over the past few years, the proliferation of retail channels, formats, platforms and intermediaries has fragmented the shopping landscape, creating confusion for both shoppers and retail strategists. Outstanding customer service and brand ambassadors are key to helping consumers gain insights and drive loyalty. What will be next in meaningful connections?
  • Curation beats out competition: An explosion of choice, and increased opportunity for choice paralysis, has led to a heightened need for more curation and customization. Shoppers are more frequently turning to others to help guide their purchase decisions and narrow down choice, which can have a major impact to retailers when brands don’t make it through these filters. What will be next in curation?
  • Convenience on the go: Shoppers have always cared about convenience but the context and shoppers’ reference points and expectations have changed. Convenience is no longer just about access and speed, it is about flexibility – and often not what the solution gives to you but instead gives back to you: time, effort and headspace. What will be next in convenience?

Join us to learn key insights from our study around these themes and discover what that means for connecting with consumers. Our speakers will host a Q&A at the end of the session for a robust discussion to help attendees apply the insights to their sector.

Case Study Joint Presentation Retail
