
Unveiling shopper desires: Targeting survey research based on verified shopping behaviors for more relevant, consumer-centric insights

In this insightful session, we delve into the dynamic realm of retail by exploring the intricacies of shopper preferences and aspirations. Retailers don’t always understand what their shoppers truly want and the broad lens of traditional quantitative research is not often enough to demonstrate what shoppers actually desire.

Join us as we unveil the power of targeted survey research specifically tailored to individual retailer shoppers. This session aims to shed light on how more targeted surveys can help you win more at retail.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Bridge the perception gap: Understand the common pitfalls in retailer assumptions and discover how targeted surveys can bridge the gap between what shoppers truly want and what retailers believe they want.
  2. Precision targeting: Learn methods to identify and segment specific retailer shopper groups to tailor surveys that resonate with their unique preferences.
  3. Data-driven decision-making: Gain insights into leveraging survey data to inform strategic decision-making processes, from product offerings to marketing strategies.

Best Practices Joint Presentation Retail
