
Cultural insights and neurological immersion: A recipe for relevance

Explore Johnsonville’s research journey, where innovative methods including multicultural consulting, agile qual + quant research and neurological smartwatch immersion come together. Discover how these techniques were pivotal in crafting a media campaign with universal appeal, emphasizing the importance of diversity and authentic representation. This session reveals how Johnsonville, in collaboration with C+R, navigated the challenges of engaging a diverse audience through a culturally informed and technologically advanced approach, providing a media campaign that resonates with today’s multicultural world.

Join C+R Research and Johnsonville, a leader in the food industry, as they present a case study about their upcoming media campaign. This case study delves into the unique blend of cultural insights and innovative research techniques that shaped a universally engaging campaign. Facing the challenge of staying relevant and authentically connecting with a diverse audience, Johnsonville recognized the need for a new, impactful media strategy. Collaborating with C+R, they embarked on a comprehensive research journey, prioritizing cultural understanding through C+R’s CultureBeat team and leveraging a novel, agile qual + quant hybrid methodology alongside neurological smartwatch immersion. This approach allowed for real-time, in-depth analysis of emotional and cognitive responses to the ads, ensuring the campaign resonated across various cultural backgrounds.

The session will highlight integrating qualitative and quantitative research methods, the groundbreaking use of neurological smartwatch technology to gauge respondent engagement and the critical role of multicultural insights in crafting a campaign that genuinely connects with a broad audience. The key takeaways underscore the importance of these innovative methodologies in overcoming the challenges of today’s diverse market landscape, offering valuable insights for brands looking to develop effective and inclusive media campaigns.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Multicultural consideration: The significance of incorporating multicultural context, insights and behaviors is underscored. Understanding diverse perspectives is crucial for developing campaigns that authentically engage and connect with varied audiences, ensuring broader impact and relevance.
  2. Innovative methodology integration: The session emphasizes the critical role of blending qualitative and quantitative research methods in media campaign testing. This combination comprehensively explains audience reactions, ensuring the message resonates universally.
  3. Technological research advancement: The session will highlight the value of neurological smartwatch immersion as a cutting-edge tool for measuring respondent engagement. This technology offers real-time insights into emotional and cognitive responses, allowing for more effective campaign adjustments.

Advertising Case Study Joint Presentation
