
Captivating consumer minds: Unveiling the power of attention in the e-commerce landscape

Not too long ago, social media and eCom were separate worlds. These worlds are colliding. Amazon is one of the fasted ad platforms, and social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are now in the eCom world. Where are consumers going to be buying products, and which ads are driving sales? System 0 technology has become a critical success factor in our fast-changing economy.

It starts with perception — human experience. You have immersive interaction with ads when testing in a Live InContext environment. Knowing what people see, feel and interact with helps to understand the ROI.

Knowing which ads drive sales on each social media platform by measuring consumer behavior in the wild has changed how ads’ sales success is measured.

Understanding attention is a challenge for both brands and market researchers. We know attention alone is not enough. Attention needs to be meaningful and fulfill a desire. Live InContext system 0 technology gives researchers and brands “Effective Perception” to get critical behavioral metrics to understand the attention and interest of social media ads and how well these behavioral metrics convert into measuring attention, interest, and purchase in the eCom world.

System 0 technology lets you Measure consumer behavior throughout the eCom POS funnel, including putting your product in the cart. Isn’t that the goal? All in the natural environment where consumers are unaware of what is being tested.

Key takeaways:

  1. Test in a live natural environment.
  2. Test ads by their purchase power.
  3. Success varies by platform.

Methodologies Presentation by Supplier Technology
