
End-to-end executive engagement in market research

Do you struggle to engage the executives in your market research projects? Join this session as we share the best practices to engage leaders. We will point out, for any research project, who you need to engage, why and how, and offer strategies for delivering relevant information, actionability and guidance for your stakeholders.

Most researchers have had the experience where a senior leader is not engaged throughout a project and then at the end, when the final report is shared, he or she suddenly feels that there are unanswered questions. While this is certainly frustrating for the researcher, it is important to have empathy for the pressures facing executives as a first step to building connection with their world.

Executives are pulled in several directions, juggling so many people and projects that they have limited time to deeply engage on a single initiative. To give them the insights they need, the first step is to understand the business problem or issue they are trying to solve. Our session will address the timing of your engagement, the trigger points for better collaboration and how to tailor projects from the beginning so they fill the knowledge gaps and help stakeholders move forward.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understand and develop empathy for the juggling act that executives have to deal with. Determine their business needs and engage on the burning questions that research can address.
  2. Avoid the pitfalls of disengagement and misalignment at every stage of the project. Understand the key players within the organization and build rapport with them. What is the right level and right frequency of engagement?
  3. Ways to become a trusted advisor by establishing your integrity through executive presence and guiding them to business decisions that make them look good.
