
A roadmap to improving accessibility

Are you missing out on 25% of the population in your research? Whether qual or quant, there are improvements that can be implemented when designing and reporting research to be more accessible to both participants and end-users of the research findings who have disabilities. These improvements can also enhance the overall experience for all. Learn some simple (and not-so-simple) tips and tricks!

Verizon has partnered with other client and agency partners to establish an Accessibility Consortium to work towards closing the gap in making research accessible for all. Members of the Consortium will share tips and tricks learned so far to provide a better experience for both participants and clients with disabilities.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Building accessibility into upfront planning of research projects.
  2. Improving experiences for disabled participants by offering accommodations and testing for issues.
  3. Carrying accessibility best practices through to reporting.
