
The shift from artificial to augmented intelligence

Join us for a thought-provoking session that opens the path from artificial to augmented intelligence in market research. We will explore how we, as an industry, can transcend traditional AI’s limitations and hype.

Empathy, intuition and the contradictions that sometimes drive our decisions go far beyond rigid metrics and shallow tagging. Yet, in a competitive landscape, our data world’s sheer volume, velocity and variety calls for automation and innovation. Is there a rightful place for the synthetic and artificial in a human-centric industry? Can we go beyond the fear of losing out?

We will focus on five practical steps to facilitate this change in your organization and research protocol.

  1. Cutting out the noise: Discover how blending NLP, semantic analysis and token pattern recognition can refine data analysis, shifting from quantity to quality in insight-generation.
  2. Data diversity: Learn about the value of integrating diverse data types – including textual, audio, and visual sources – to enrich analysis and produce more nuanced insights.
  3. Talk to your data: We developed a solution to reinstate the researcher’s role in the narrative, emphasizing direct engagement with data to foster curiosity and deeper investigation.
  4. Organizational engagement: We will explore how embedding augmented intelligence across teams is fundamental in promoting collaborative innovation.
  5. Beyond cheaper and faster: This principle challenges the industry to look past efficiency and cost-saving as the primary metrics of success. Instead, we focus on the strategic depth and actionable insights that can only be achieved by putting the human element at the core of technology application.

This isn’t just about adopting new technologies. Augmented, not artificial, intelligence is the key to unlocking the full potential of our data and industry.

Key takeaways:

  1. Moving beyond the hype: Learn how augmented intelligence can be integrated into research processes to refine data analysis, enhancing the quality of insights and empowering researchers with advanced, yet intuitive, analytical tools.
  2. Human-centric exploration: Discover the significance of placing human intuition and understanding at the core of data exploration, fostering a research environment where technology amplifies rather than replaces the human element.
  3. Strategic innovation: Gain insights into redefining the metrics of success in market research by focusing on strategic depth and actionable insights, moving beyond the conventional benchmarks of efficiency and cost savings.
