
The art of precision: Driving buy-in and action beyond the debrief

In 2022 we delivered ‘The Art of Spectacle: Storytelling Beyond Narrative’ designing projects for insight and impact in equal measure – delivering evidence in such a powerful way, that stakeholders truly listen – and start to act.

In 2023, we go further; we’ll show how to overcome a key reason for stakeholder inertia: lack of clarity. The majority of reports deliver recommendations – capturing that ‘so what’ essential to fulfill objectives…but often, that ‘so what’ is big picture, end goal focused – great for C-suite, but less helpful for R&D, brand or category teams who must implement change. What we really need to deliver is not only the ‘so what’, but the ‘specifically how.’

‘Must be easy to use’ is as useful to an R&D packaging team as ‘make people seem nicer’ is to a brand team trying to optimize their latest TVC…

We need to give teams hard and fast rules – specific moments, parameters – positive and negative, to let them know when they have hit the mark. They need to know that optimizations they make after the debrief are in line with consumer feedback – that they will win in the real world: it’s precise, pragmatic – scientific. The more precise we are, the fewer iterations are needed – the sooner (and more cost-effectively) products, brands and services get to market – and get that competitive edge.

We’ll share practical tips on the art of precision, taking R&D heritage cross-sector to show exactly how to ask the right questions to get specific answers; how to design methodologies which deliver clear guardrails; we’ll deliver case studies of in-the-moment technologies which pin point precisely where to focus…and leave you with a list of techniques to implement to ensure you get precisely where you and your stakeholders need to go.

Key takeaways:

  1. Learn how to make adjustments to questions to ensure you get the most specific, actionable answers – cross methodology.
  2. Learn the latest tools and methodologies designed to give you the precision needed to deliver clear recommendations.
  3. Learn how to deliver precise recommendations: what does this look like for different teams – brand, category, R&D and beyond.
