
Real-world AI in action: How Tillamook accelerates insights and empathy

Join Tillamook and Canvs AI to explore AI’s transformative role in consumer research. Learn how Tillamook uses AI to analyze unstructured feedback across its research operations, accelerating insights and deepening consumer empathy. This session goes beyond the AI hype, demonstrating its practical use in understanding open-ended feedback at scale and guiding more informed, consumer-centric product and go-to-market decisions. Don’t miss this chance to see AI’s real-world potential and learn how to apply these strategies to your own research. Discover the power of AI in fostering customer empathy and accelerating insights discovery.

Key takeaways:

  1. Real-world adoption of AI-powered insights technology at Tillamook.
  2. The value of incorporating unstructured consumer feedback to enhance consumer understanding and empathy.
  3. ROI of incorporating research automation technology like Canvs AI to boost productivity.

Case Study Joint Presentation Technology
