
Protocepting: Turning great ideas into great product

Taking an idea from a written concept to a full-blown product can be challenging, especially when dealing with Big “I” innovations. The product development process can drag on, become a resource sinkhole and get frustrating for everyone involved. The Johnsonville Consumer and Product Insights teams partnered with GLJ Research to develop a new protocepting process to gain consumer feedback earlier when developing new products to help shorten product development time overall and and minimize the R&D resources needed to get new-to-the-world innovations launched.

Key takeaways:

  1. How to get consumers’ visions of a concept to match the actual product being developed.
  2. How to explore multiple pathways for a winning concept prior to full product development.
  3. How to create a consumer-centric blueprint for new products early on to speed up new product development.

Best Practices Food Joint Presentation
