
Navigating a research career: Stories from the frontline

Join us as industry experts regale us with tales from their careers and share their experiences, passions and challenges. Designed especially for early-to-mid careerists, attendees will gain valuable insights into how others have successfully navigated the ups and downs of a research career to find their true north in the industry. The panelists will share personal stories of how they’ve charted their courses, the ports of call they’ve made and how they’ve weathered the storms along the way. You won’t want to miss this chance to draw inspiration from the panelists around goal setting, demonstrating leadership, pivoting and overcoming obstacles which you can take with you as you embark on your own journey of career exploration.

Key takeaways:

  1. Charted a course and successfully switched industries.
  2. Captained their own ships through their MR journeys.
  3. Weathered personal and professional storms along the way.
