
How Flixbus leverages LLMs for operational excellence

If you’re truly committed to enhancing customer satisfaction, delving into the finer details is essential. That’s just what Flixbus does: The transportation scaleup systematically analyzes over 600k open responses from 41 countries per year and maps the results back to regional and global KPIs. Through a three-pronged approach, the results are shared across the organization, even reaching the attention of the CFO. Therefore, while leveraging modern LLMs for the analysis, Flixbus also employs advanced techniques for quality assurance of the AI.

In this presentation Flixbus and Caplena will discuss learnings on establishing and leveraging a feedback analysis pipeline. They will provide a compelling case study that demonstrates how this approach identified root causes contributing to an unsatisfactory NPS at their Greyhound subsidiary, subsequently leading to significant improvements.

Key takeaways:

  1. How Flixbus systematically performs root-cause analysis on their customer feedback to drive NPS.
  2. How to map topics from open feedback back to business OKRs.
  3. How to do quality assurance on LLM powered feedback categorization.

Case Study Joint Presentation Technology
