
From passive observation to active prediction: ProQuo demonstrates how AI has transformed market research into a brand manager’s ultimate sidekick

The integration of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) AI techniques in market research has emerged as a game-changer for brand managers seeking strategic advantages. NLP allows for the analysis of vast amounts of unstructured data, while ML algorithms excel at recognizing patterns and predicting trends based on historical data.

During this session, ProQuo AI CEO Jim Brennan will demonstrate how modern innovations in AI enable brand managers to uncover hidden patterns, identify emerging market trends and anticipate consumer behavior with remarkable accuracy.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Demonstrate AI-driven tools and techniques used to capture consumer sentiment.
  2. Uncover how AI can explain and predict which aspects of your marketing work and why – in real time.
  3. Empower brand managers to utilize the power of AI to make strategic decisions in today’s dynamic business environment.
