
Fear, failure and learning to fly: Rewriting the innovation playbook

In our pursuit of innovation, the mantra of “fail fast” has become a rallying cry.

Remarkable tales from client-side leaders in their fields reveal the wins found in epic fails and the bonds forged from learning the hard way together; client-side teams, including Costa and Sky, bring their voices to our session digitally, sharing their own learnings in this area and inspiring us all with what can be achieved when this is truly embraced.

But the reality for brand, category, product and insight teams is often different; day-to-day “failing fast” is far from exhilarating – it’s an uphill struggle (because we don’t really mean “fail fast,” we mean “win faster”).

Without the culture of “fail fast” embraced from the very top, the philosophy is virtually impossible in any business that values harmony and a straightforward trajectory of success.

So, let’s look at something other than “fail fast.”

Join us as we plug into “Fear, failure and learning to fly.” We shift the spotlight from wrestling with failure to taking a more expansive vision of success — going beyond “fail fast” to “taking the path of most resistance.” We’ll share what we’ve learned working cross-sector with leading brands about successfully adopting a spirit of constant learning.

We’ll deliver a toolkit to set you free – a combination of mind-sets and thinking strategies that helps find rapid success – and fly. We’ll explore how to swerve the allure of proof, showcasing the merits of pain, debunking the power of gaps and encouraging you to embrace cynics. We explore the power of thinking bigger – beyond your bubble, more holistically, more strategically – looking for opportunities beyond low-hanging fruit offered by immediate pain-points through leaning into the conflicting, often uncomfortable areas of people’s lives.

Key takeaways:

  1. New, strategic ways to think to unlock opportunities for innovation and growth beyond low-hanging fruit.
  2. Learn how leading global brands are looking beyond their bubble to get ahead of the competition.
  3. Explore how to swerve the allure of proof, showcase the merits of pain and debunk the power of gaps to find the way forward when “fail fast” is not an option.
