
Bye-bye burnout: A researcher’s guide to thriving in work and life

Burnout remains a pervasive issue in the industry, particularly among market researchers striving to meet stakeholder/client expectations while balancing personal well-being. In this talk, we will explore practical strategies and evidence-based insights to help researchers not only prevent burnout but also thrive in both their professional and personal lives. Drawing on research from psychology, organizational behavior and wellness practices, we will debunk common misconceptions about burnout and provide actionable steps for cultivating resilience, enhancing work-life balance and fostering a supportive work culture. Join me to learn how to say “bye-bye” to burnout and embrace a more fulfilling and sustainable approach to work and life.

Key takeaways:

  1. Debunking burnout myths.
  2. Common stressors and challenges faced by researchers that contribute to burnout and how to prevent them.
  3. Thriving in work and life: Balancing professional responsibilities with personal well-being and cultivating a supportive work culture.
